Art 'n stuff

I went into Dogtown today to meet Christine (who did not show up, but I think we may have mixed our days) and saw this random demolished house.

And this random crap house, which for some reason has not been demolished.

Robert (Design III guy) is working on his installation. I don't know what it's called, but it's a grid of spitballs.

These are our drawings that I tried to post last week.

Mine's the first one in the pic below.

These are some Design II color studies.

These are from the figure drawing class next door.

More color studies:

Balance studies (mine's the one with the duck)

And our collages. This one is mine. It's Elliott Smith.

The one below is Ming's. Odd fellow, that.

This is also Ming's. We couldn't figure out why he did it or brought it in.

This one's Kate's, she's the Interior Designer. It's Neil Young in a dress. Nice purse!

This one belongs to Good Guess Girl. I love it.

And, mine again because I'm totally self-centered.