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Thursday, June 16, 2005

Mama Drama

Because I'm just not one of those "It's personal" types ... Here is a story that I can copy and paste better than I can tell...

Begin emails now.

Kathy wrote:

... I am doing fine, I will go to Genie's (Mom's sister) in Tallahassee one last time on Sunday to pick up the washer.   Her movers are coming on Monday morning to put it in Dad's truck for me and then go on with her move to Raleigh. ... I sent Opa Omaha steaks so that he can perpetuate his Grill Master fraud!   

Love to all, Mom 

Kris wrote:

I didn't know Genie was moving to Raleigh. What Grill Master fraud? I guess I don't know much about your side of the family anymore. I guess they want it that way, as Opa doesn't even send birthday cards anymore and Genie is too good for me. (and please stop pretending you don't know anything about it. You do, or at least you did when you said she just does things like that and you wished she'd just kept quiet about it since I was moving away anyway. I know you like to pretend that bad things didn't happen, but I'm tired of you snapping at me like you did on the trip like it's my fault. It isn't. That's just how it is. And when you said you don't know anything about it - feel free to ask Genie, I'm sure she'd love to tell you how horrible I am. Sorry to freak out about this but it's been killing me for years now that she did that and not only did you never care how much it hurt my feelings, you pretended that I made it up. And that hurts more. You are my only friend in my whole family.)

Love, Kris

Kathy wrote:

The Grill Master fraud was just a joke, he's always bragging about his grilling expertise, (made much the worse since Virginia is self-admittedly not a cook).  I'm sorry he doesn't stay in touch with you by email, I thought that he would do better with all of us, esp. the 3 grandchildren when I gave him the new computer - wrong again.  I have done all I can so now I just answer the phone when he calls and mostly listen to stories of his latest adventures in military interests.  As he gets older, he gets more self-absorbed and right wing opinionated so I don't know that you're really missing much.  After being around Genie as much as I have in the last couple of years, I don't think that what happened between the two of you is your fault or that you made it up.  I know that there was a nasty email from her to you but I don't know the details.  You are right that she is very unpredictable.  I won't ask her for any explanation because I will have to endure a slanted, one-sided story.  I also did not realize how much it hurt your feelings because I didn't think that you cared what she thought. So, I apologize and I want you to know that you are my only real friend in my family, too.

Love,  Mom 

Kris wrote:

Thanks, Mom. I thought you thought it was my fault and that you didn't really like me anymore since I hadn't heard that much from you lately.

Love, Kris


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