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Thursday, June 09, 2005

Unsolicited Advice

You know, usually I am an advocate of saying you're mad when you're mad - not to let things build up inside and make you unhappy. And I do believe that usually that is the right thing to do.

But there are exceptions to every rule. And I have a few things I'd like to say to a few select people (who shall remain nameless) right now. They are:

+ You are asking too much of me. You do not deserve what I give you now, much less any more.

+ You have worked long and hard to get where you are today. Why should I have to pretend otherwise?

+ If you say that to me ever again, or imply something similar, you will not see me again.

+ It is not my fault that I feel this way. I should not have to apologize.

+ I am more clever than you believe me to be. I am tired of being treated as if I were not.

+ How can you be so smart and yet so incredilbly stupid?

+ You should look into ways to find a rational view of yourself.

+ You are SUCH A DOUCHEBAG. Quit blocking me in/out of my garage.

That's better!

Disclaimer: If I know you, please do not randomly assume any of these comments pertain to you. If I know you, and you'd like to know, just ask.


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