Canterbury Tales for me
MMmph. Yum. Asiago + Pumpernickel bagels.
I was thinking today that I should blog my life history, one person at a time. Then people could hear an interesting bit every now and then, or just completely skip the ones about people they don't know. Example:
Sara2, written off 2002 in after she quit speaking to me for not attending her wedding (I had already booked airplane tickets to another state when she informed me that the date had been moved to this new, unattendable date). Met in junior high school in Florida, made horribly embarrassing video singing & dancing to "Rock Around the Clock" together which was later burned. Had bedroom plastered with Kevin Costner paraphernalia when we met, including plastic picnic table cloth portraying him in "Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves". My own room was painted in black and white cow print at the time. Attended first U2 concert together in 1992. Only person known to me in Saint Louis when I moved here in 1998. Introduced me to JD by way of total neglect, who introduced me to almost everyone I know now in Saint Louis.
Does that sound very shit-talkingish? Hmmm. Not a good thing, but in her case, I think it's OK. Let's try it with someone who has not friend-dumped me in so rude a fashion.
Hope, met via the horrible boys and Wuertz in 2000 or so. Daredevil extrordinaire. black belt (I think - shit!), pilot, punk rock mom, actual strawberry blond (like we ALL pretended we were). Lives in the country with lovely family and does complex mappish things at work. Pukes in malls and occasionally on self, gravitates towards people who tend to pass out at bars, able to drink me under the table with ease. Did not make fun of me for my terrible landing when we jumped out of airplanes in a field. Deceptively quick-witted. I had a seriously hard time figuring out if she was always patronizing me or not, although that is true of most people. Has upwards of 10 tattoos, ranging from sunflowers to stars to .... well, shit again! I don't see the others as much, but know they exist. Parent of seriously kickass one-year old. One year old is wont to give eerily grown up and sarcastic looks at all times to all people. One year old is also proficient with cellphones and remotes.
That reads more like a reference than I had intended. This may take some work. But check this one out:
Justin: miserable douchebag.
I am SO succinct. I don't specifically know what that means, but I'm pretty sure it's the right word anyway.
I was thinking today that I should blog my life history, one person at a time. Then people could hear an interesting bit every now and then, or just completely skip the ones about people they don't know. Example:
Sara2, written off 2002 in after she quit speaking to me for not attending her wedding (I had already booked airplane tickets to another state when she informed me that the date had been moved to this new, unattendable date). Met in junior high school in Florida, made horribly embarrassing video singing & dancing to "Rock Around the Clock" together which was later burned. Had bedroom plastered with Kevin Costner paraphernalia when we met, including plastic picnic table cloth portraying him in "Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves". My own room was painted in black and white cow print at the time. Attended first U2 concert together in 1992. Only person known to me in Saint Louis when I moved here in 1998. Introduced me to JD by way of total neglect, who introduced me to almost everyone I know now in Saint Louis.
Does that sound very shit-talkingish? Hmmm. Not a good thing, but in her case, I think it's OK. Let's try it with someone who has not friend-dumped me in so rude a fashion.
Hope, met via the horrible boys and Wuertz in 2000 or so. Daredevil extrordinaire. black belt (I think - shit!), pilot, punk rock mom, actual strawberry blond (like we ALL pretended we were). Lives in the country with lovely family and does complex mappish things at work. Pukes in malls and occasionally on self, gravitates towards people who tend to pass out at bars, able to drink me under the table with ease. Did not make fun of me for my terrible landing when we jumped out of airplanes in a field. Deceptively quick-witted. I had a seriously hard time figuring out if she was always patronizing me or not, although that is true of most people. Has upwards of 10 tattoos, ranging from sunflowers to stars to .... well, shit again! I don't see the others as much, but know they exist. Parent of seriously kickass one-year old. One year old is wont to give eerily grown up and sarcastic looks at all times to all people. One year old is also proficient with cellphones and remotes.
That reads more like a reference than I had intended. This may take some work. But check this one out:
Justin: miserable douchebag.
I am SO succinct. I don't specifically know what that means, but I'm pretty sure it's the right word anyway.
awww...thanks for giving me a little shout out there kris. JD says thanks and ill be in the lou again soon :) glad i didnt do anything to piss you off yet!!
lonesome-cowgirl, at 3:31 PM
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