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Sunday, May 15, 2005

Cards 'n Cats

I have lived in Saint Louis off and on since 1998, but I have yet to have ever seen a professional baseball or football game. But guess what! Trey's taking me to see the Cards vs. the Red Sox in 3 weeks! And then to the Cards and the Cubs in September. That's so cool. Jen & I went to see fever Pitch the other night. Terrible acting, cute movie. So now I'm all into seeing a game.

Today we put the cat in the bag.

Kafka in a bag

Kafka in a bag

Kafka in a bag

Kafka in a bag

Kafka in a bag

Kafka in a bag

Kafka in a bag

Kafka in a bag


  • Torties rule!!!!! heh heh, what a beautiful cat. Sobakowa says Hi!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:16 PM  

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